Priya Kuriyan is an independent animation film maker and illustrator based in Delhi. She has directed educational films for the Sesame Street show (GalliGalli Sim Sim) and has also worked on various TV commercials.
Over the past four years, she has also been illustrating for a number of children’s books and comics.
Grandma loses her glasses and there's hullabaloo in the house.
Yasmin takes on the powers-that-be to ensure the survival of Book Uncle's free reading library.
Canny, contemplative and courageous, Chanakya is known as one of India's most multifaceted and enduring gurus.
A collection of stories - from history, geography and nature study with a sprinkling of Bond’s inimitable de facto humor and homespun philosophy.
A fast paced adventure story of a voyage into the Internet or an exciting experiment called Mindnet.
'Bala meets another book-asura, Koobandhee, in a rollicking adventure of belonging and friendship and "sibling revelry"'
Manya starts stammering when she is nervous. Will she be able to take part in her school play?
Maya has a lot of responsibilty on her little shoulders. Will she abe able to live up to her reputation?