Illustrated by: Sheila Dhir
Age group: 5+ yrs
Publisher: Tulika

Empathise not sympathise with me, is the the heartfelt plea of a cerebral palsy stricken boy.

Illustrated by: Priya Kuriyan
Age group: 5+ yrs
Publisher: Pratham Books

Spring brings in flowers, fresh new leaves as also the festival of Holi

Illustrated by: Priya Kuriyan
Age group: 5+ yrs
Publisher: Pratham Books

A pageant of the different seasons of India and how people celebrate them - each in their own unique way.

Illustrated by: Proiti Roy
Age group: 5+ yrs
Publisher: Tulika

A simple yet delightful tale woven around the festival of Eid, Ismat, the shoemaker, buys a pair of trousers for himself for Eid that is four fingers too long.

Illustrated by: Ajanta Guhathakurta
Age group: 5+ yrs
Publisher: Tulika

A story that talks of friendship, caring, sharing, greed and selfishness

Illustrated by: Mugdha Shah
Age group: 5+ yrs
Publisher: Tulika

Will Bhootram, the ghost, succeed in straightening the dog’s curly tale?

Illustrated by: Anna Vojtech
Age group: 5+ yrs
Publisher: Scholastic

Discover Sikkim through the antics of a pesky little mosquito

Illustrated by: Kavita Singh Kale
Age group: 5+ yrs
Publisher: Tulika

A very hungry caterpilar eats the leaves from Brahma's favourite plants incurring Brahma;s wrath with surprising results.

Illustrated by: Anahita Taymourian
Age group: 5+ yrs
Publisher: Katha

A crow who loves to sing enters a competition to live his dream.

Illustrated by: Kavita Singh Kale
Age group: 5+ yrs
Publisher: Tulika

The clever crow chances upon the peacock's palace and wants to enter it - by hook or by crook.