Illustrated by: Paritosh Sen
Age group: 12+ yrs
Publisher: Tulika

Paritosh reminescences about an old Arjuna tree in his village and his fascination for all its denizens.

Illustrated by: Suhita Mitra
Age group: 5+ yrs
Publisher: Fun OK Please

A tourist guide of Mumbai city for kids.

Illustrated by: Maya Ramaswamy
Age group: 9+ yrs
Publisher: Pratham Books

It's a snake's life! Know more about the ups and downs of being a snake.

By: Anu Kumar
Illustrated by: Kavita Singh Kale
Age group: 9+ yrs
Publisher: Red Turtle, Rupa

A whirlwind tour of ancient India's historical background

Illustrated by:
Age group: 5+ yrs
Publisher: Fun OK Please

Discover Bengaluru - its sights, its specialities and the people.

Illustrated by:
Age group: 9+ yrs
Publisher: Puffin

Wilderness and wildlife are not just confined to the forests; there is a whole lot of wild in our own backyards! Let’s find out in this backyard-jungle book.

Illustrated by:
Age group: 12+ yrs
Publisher: Hachette

Sachin Tendulkar - Master Blaster, who set many a cricket pitch afire with his stellar performances reveals how targets can be achieved and dreams can be made to come true.

Illustrated by:
Age group: 7+ yrs
Publisher: Puffin
Illustrated by:
Age group: 9+ yrs
Publisher: Penguin India
Illustrated by:
Age group: 9+ yrs
Publisher: Hachette