Illustrated by:
Age group: 9+ yrs
Publisher: Scholastic

There is trouble on the Golden Isle where Nargisa, the Giving Flower, lives. The honey bees can no longer produce honey as before. Nargisa and her friend Titli’s exciting adventures take them in search of the River of Honey.

Illustrated by:
Age group: 9+ yrs
Publisher: Fun OK Please

An inspirational book about changing the world, one random act of kindness at at time.

Illustrated by: Priya Kuriyan
Age group: 9+ yrs
Publisher: Duckbill

Four children in a town called Babubari encounter hilarious characters and get embroiled in outrageous incidents - all linked in some way to the characters of the Ramayan.

Illustrated by: Sayoni Basu
Age group: 9+ yrs
Publisher: Duckbill

How ‘fart’ can an adventure go? Clearly, very ‘fart’, indeed as you can see based on these three stories the authors had heard from their grandparents,

Illustrated by: Lavanya Karthik
Age group: 9+ yrs
Publisher: DC Mango

A laugh out loud story that makes you fall in love with Apoorva and tells children in a non-didactic manner that looks don't matter - it's the heart that does.

Illustrated by: Khyrunnisa A.
Age group: 9+ yrs
Publisher: Puffin

Another one in the series of the famous, hilariously clumsy, yet, very lovable Butterfingers.

Illustrated by: Priya Kuriyan
Age group: 9+ yrs
Publisher: Scholastic

'Bala meets another book-asura, Koobandhee, in a rollicking adventure of belonging and friendship and "sibling revelry"'

Illustrated by: Vartika Sharma
Age group: 9+ yrs
Publisher: Pratham Books
Illustrated by: Shilpa Ranade
Age group: 9+ yrs
Publisher: Karadi Tales

Tsering invites his friends to partake of his favourite dish, Thupka. But when the power goes can his grandmother feed them all?

Illustrated by: Niloufer Wadia
Age group: 9+ yrs
Publisher: Duckbill

Xerxes' mother wants him to be like JRD Tata, but all Xerxes wants is to be like his Grandpa