Illustrated by:
Age group: 12+ yrs
Publisher: Hachette

'An old folk tale from the hills of Uttarakhand, extolling the ingenuity and bravery of Rajula, a girl from the Indo-Tibetean region, has been resurrected for modern day readers.'

Illustrated by: Sayantan Halder
Age group: 7+ yrs
Publisher: Puffin

Discover the serene beauty and rich heritage of Kashmir, its flora, fauna and traditions in the second of the series of The Adventures of the Magic Flying Jharoka

Illustrated by: Suvidha Mistry
Age group: 7+ yrs
Publisher: National Book Trust

Rahul desperately wants to play a good game of cricket. Will he ever succeed?

Illustrated by:
Age group: 7+ yrs
Publisher: Rupa

A collection of Jungle tales by Ruskin Bond, a revered author of Indian stories for children.

Illustrated by: Suvidha Mistry
Age group: 7+ yrs
Publisher: Scholastic

Different animals use different types of camouflage, making them heard to be seen.

Illustrated by:
Age group: 12+ yrs
Publisher: Penguin books

Students of Horrid High are hopeful that life will be better for them now. Will it, really?