Illustrated by: B.G. Varma
Age group: 3+ yrs
Publisher: CBT

A funny story with a twist in the tale

Illustrated by: Gayathri Bashi
Age group: 3+ yrs
Publisher: Tulika

Minu's grandfather teaches her a valuable lesson - look on the positive side of things.

Illustrated by: Shailaja Jain
Age group: 3+ yrs
Publisher: Tulika

An introduction to the wonderful tradition of rangolis

Illustrated by: Pulak Biswas
Age group: 3+ yrs
Publisher: Tara Books

Written in verse this story is about a scared tiger who has wandered into a village. "Get him! Net him! Tie him tight!" the local villagers say. But once they capture him, the villagers make a surprising decision about what to do with him

Illustrated by: Nina Sabnani
Age group: 3+ yrs
Publisher: Tulika

With a flight of fantasy, a sari becomes a source of endless entertainment for a young girl - a rope, a swing, a place to hide!

Illustrated by: Ajanta Guhathakurta
Age group: 3+ yrs
Publisher: Tulika

How do animals in the wild transport their babies?

Illustrated by: Anil Vyas
Age group: 3+ yrs
Publisher: CBT

A baby tiger grows up

Illustrated by:
Age group: 3+ yrs
Publisher: Pratham Books

A little girl, once scared of owls has a change of heart and sets out to save it.

Illustrated by: Atanu Roy
Age group: 3+ yrs
Publisher: Katha

A flight of fantasy on why fireflies live near the nests of the golden sparrows.

Illustrated by: Shekar Dattatri
Age group: 3+ yrs
Publisher: Tulika

All you wanted to know about elephants - from birth to adulthood.