Illustrated by: Gyurmey Dorjee
Age group: 7+ yrs
Publisher: Hachette

An adventure of a Deki, a Tibetan mastiff and two wolves set in the magnificent Tibetan Plateau

Illustrated by: Sunaina Coelho
Age group: 7+ yrs
Publisher: Red Turtle, Rupa

Ten-year-old Stoob is plunged into a whirl of crazy situations when exams are declared in school.

Illustrated by:
Age group: 12+ yrs
Publisher: Duckbill

A warm moving novel about life and death and the young people caught in between

Illustrated by:
Age group: 12+ yrs
Publisher: Puffin

Angie's love for fashion lands her in some crazy situations.

Illustrated by:
Age group: 12+ yrs
Publisher: Young Zubaan

The story of young girl's courage and determination to change her circumstances

Illustrated by:
Age group: 12+ yrs
Publisher: Tulika

An award winning book!

Illustrated by:
Age group: 12+ yrs
Publisher: Penguin books

This is a collection of gritty stories of courage, hope and love; Stories that are not only for you, but about you.

Illustrated by:
Age group: 12+ yrs
Publisher: Puffin

Embark on 15-year-old Rohin’s adventurous quest to find the owner of ‘The Secret Diary of the World’s Worst Cook’ – will he realize what he wants to do with his life along the way?

Illustrated by: Anitha Balachandran
Age group: 7+ yrs
Publisher: Puffin

An eloquent coming of age story about leaving home and the journey back.

Illustrated by: Sayan Mukherjee
Age group: 7+ yrs
Publisher: Puffin

A touching story of how a natural disaster brought out the best in people.