God made us and all of us are beautiful including Samaira and me.
The name of the Book: Brown like Dosas, Samosas and Sticky Chikki by Rebecca Manari.
About the author: Rebecca is a Mom, teacher and author who wrote this book for children to like their color of the skin.
I have the same color as Samaira. This book taught me a simple thing that I love to eat chocolate then why not the color of it.
I had seen on TV about Fair and Lovely and thought I would buy this cream when I become big.
This book has changed me now I feel beautiful and confident when I see myself in the mirror.
What I did not like about the book is Anahi forcing Samaira to change her color. I felt no one should be forced to change so much.
The best part of the book is when Samaira woke up she had the medal Anahi gave her. So this is not a dream.
Review by Manishka Mouvery. Grade 2. Vidyashilp Academy
2nd Prize Winner - Junior Category Leading Reading Schools of India Awards
No frown for the brown!
Great introduction on the story, and if I may add here as an Educational Therapist settled in the west, As we move towards global age, kids are exposed to many different cultures and a feeling of acceptance of different accents, customs and mannerisms is seen in a big way!
Our history also shows that Lord Krishna never saw how sudama looked or if he was rich or poor, for him sudama was his friend for life! I had done a puppet show here in the US with that same message- Whats inside you counts! It was very well received by parents and children.
what is considered a norm is usually questioned by each culture and that thought trickles down to kids in every society, but what the western culture has started to breed shows that people from all walks of life are welcomed and it does not really matter what skin color you have or if you are rich or poor, what matters is what you feel inside of you!
It is very imperative to show kids in India that there are so many "brown" people from India who have achieved a great deal in their life and create role models of them to inspire kids to follow their path.
I am glad to see that kids growing up in India are presented with this beautiful idea even when the media bombards every viewer to show what is more accepted if you want to stay modern!
This story by Rebecca touched my heart as i can very well relate to my story. Both my parents are fair and i am like Samaira the character in BROWN. People always compare me to my parents and with my peers because of my complexion. I used to feel offended but after reading this lovely story of Anahi and Samaira i have started feeling good about myself.The world will be a boring place if all looked alike.We are all created by god and we should accept the way we are and be proud of ourselves.Complexion does not reflect one's personality and nature.Samaira was happy the way she was and she never got tempted to change her looks for worldly pleasures..We should all be happy the way we are and make the world a happier place.