Grandfather loves trees. He knows how much they contribute to the well-being of man and various creatures and decides to take matters in his own hands , when the Municipal Council have given some buildren the rightto chop them down. Indignant, he decides to protect them by climbing up the oldest of the Neem trees and settling amongst the branches. No amount of persuasion or threats makes him change his mind. His only condition being that until he receive a signed letter stating that the trees that give shade, nurture animals and birds would be left alone. One thing leads to another. Others join in, a procession is taken out, media turns up and finally, the letter is given and the trees continue to stand.
A humourous story that demostrates the Power of One. Hopefully it will inspire others - young and old alike, to take action to prevent the wanton desecration of our flora and fauna , to our own detriment.
Whilst, the story could have been a bit crisper, it nevertheless succeeds in conveying this very vital message, effectively.
Grandfather Goes On Strike
Excellent book to be read by all. Message regarding Environmental protection and benefits of trees specially Neem is brought out nicely.
Each Plant one. Each one protect one.These are conveyed effectively in simple language so that even a child knows the importance of trees
in our lives.The illustrations are par excellence.Kudos to K.S.Nagarajan and Pratham!