From a human boy to a divine gatekeeper, and one of Lord Shiva's greatest devotees, listen to the story of Nandi.

Anu Kumar
50 pages
Age group:
7+ yrs

Read about Jayayu's many adventures and discover why he is the undisputed King of Vultures of Indian mythology.

Anu Kumar
50 pages
Age group:
7+ yrs

The mighty Shiva joins a group of kids and shows how much the gods too enjoy games.

Devdutt Pattanaik
0 pages
Age group:
7+ yrs

A fun setting to introduce the gods and goddesses.

Devdutt Pattanaik
0 pages
Age group:
7+ yrs

Ganesha is swiftly penning down the Mahabharata but when Vyasa needs a breather will he succeed in slowing him down?

Chitra Krishnan
20 pages
Age group:
7+ yrs