Children have a natural sense of curiosity and are keen observers. To them the world is filled with an abundance of sights to see, smell, hear, taste and touch. Exploring and observing helps them to use their five senses to understand their world better.
As observation is the cornerstone of the enquiry process, developing their powers of observation is a handy skill for children to have throughout their lives. From mere exploration and observation they will soon learn to collect and organize information about phenomena that they naturally find compelling. Hence, it is important that both parents and teachers encourage young children to use their five senses to make detailed observations.
What Does Anu See? is a reminder to harness that sense of curiosity and wonder in our children. It starts with Anu first observing commonplace items visible all around her, and later to make comparisons between two different phenomena, for example, Lines on a leaf, Just like lines on her hand, or, Waves in the water, Waves in her hair, and lastly, to stretch her imagination to see extended possibilities, for example, seeing Rabbits in clouds, Floating up in the sky. Elephants in shadows—Come, give it a try!
Crisply written in verse the book is well illustrated and is sure to engage the child and will hopefully motivate parents to find endless opportunities to ignite and nurture a sense of wonder in their children about the world around them.