Illustrated by:
Age group: 7+ yrs
Publisher: Puffin

Funny, poignant, heart-warming tales of friendship

Illustrated by: Prasun Majumdar
Age group: 7+ yrs
Publisher: Red Turtle, Rupa

Romi, a plucky boy has to traverse through a forest on fire

Illustrated by:
Age group: 12+ yrs
Publisher: Hachette

'An old folk tale from the hills of Uttarakhand, extolling the ingenuity and bravery of Rajula, a girl from the Indo-Tibetean region, has been resurrected for modern day readers.'

Illustrated by: Sunaina Coelho
Age group: 7+ yrs
Publisher: Red Turtle, Rupa

An array of eight utterly delightful stories written by well-known and beloved author, Ruskin Bond

Illustrated by: Suddhasattwa Basu
Age group: 7+ yrs
Publisher: Rupa

A tryst with wildlife

Illustrated by:
Age group: 7+ yrs
Publisher: Rupa

A collection of Jungle tales by Ruskin Bond, a revered author of Indian stories for children.