This book for little ones will give children an insight into which elements in nature are important to a flower. The child will see the flower smiling under the bright sun, followed by the rain, which gives it the much-needed nourishment. Birds, bees and butterflies flutter around looking for food and at the same time pollinating the flowers.
Little Thambi comes along and mercifully does not pick the flower but sits beside it to enjoy its beauty.
A great way to teach children the life-cycle of a flower and the vocabulary associated with it. And of course, at the same time, the all important message that flowers are best admired from afar and left alone, especially, in this day and age when every place is concretized and flowers hardly have any room to blossom. Plucking flowers not only deprive humans to be able to enjoy their beauty but more so, it interferes with their very raison d’etre, that is to provide food for the birds, insects and butterflies and the all-important role of reproduction.
The book will also enable the educator to expose the child to new vocabulary. By looking at the visuals children will immediately grasp the meaning of the words –hello, sun, rain, butterflies, bees, trees and flower
The minimal usage of words on each page, places the responsibility squarely on the illustrator to make the book meaningful and exciting - which she successfully does!
Another exciting dimension to the book, is using the illustrations to inspire activities for young kids based on the use of their own thumbprints. Such as, creating different kinds of flowers and pictures revolving around nature.
A great book for children who are just about beginning to read as well as those who have already embarked on the exciting journey.
A must for every parent and teacher of a pre-schooler!