Author Speak
Hello, my delightful book loversJ,
‘Crash! Bang! Oops! Sorry!’ That’s Butterfingers for you! And I bet there’s a Butterfingers lurking in each one of you, and in me too, for that matter. Why else do we drop things? (and apologise, of course J )
I created Amar Kishen, aka Butterfingers, so that you can relate to him, relate to his clumsiness and laugh out loud at the fun and the disasters into which his slip-grip methods lead him and his whacko group of friends.
I write to make you children collapse in mirth, to bring fun into your rather stressful lives, to lead you in imagination into a delightful world that is a lot like the world in which we live, but is much more exciting, cheerful and fun-filled. I write to bring the joy of sports and the outdoors into your lives.
Hope you giggle, gurgle and guffaw through every story in ‘Run, It’s Butterfingers Again!’ the fifth book in the Butterfingers series. Bring more Butter into your lives, go on to read and relish the other books in the series, all guaranteed to keep you in splits and to lift your spirits.
My message to you: Read, read and keep reading. Read for fun. There’s nothing like books to enrich your lives. Play too, actual games, again for fun. You’ll end up healthy in body and wealthy in mind. Keep smiling! J
Loads of love,
Book Review
Butterfingers? Who Butterfingers? The same Butterfingers of Tinkle fame?
Yes indeed! It’s the same, famous, hilariously clumsy, yet, very lovable Butterfingers. And if you haven’t had enough of him in short comic strips in the Tinkle magazines, then here he is, all of 196 pages!
For beginners, Butterfingers is the nick name given to Amar Kishen, a grade eight student of Green Park Higher Secondary School, who guarantees some kind of trouble or another.
‘Run, It’s Butterfingers Again!’ is the fifth in the series and the second collection of stories about, well, Butterfingers and his crazy life (The Misadventures of Butterfingers being the first one) along with his kind mother, sarcastic father, his best friend Kiran, Principal Jagmohan (better known as Princi) and Shyam Sir, his teacher who are part of most of his eventful events! I haven’t read the first one, but, if you haven’t too, not to worry at all. Every story is a new adventure or misadventure, a new comedy of errors, a new laughing riot, a new story, which affirms that Butterfingers is a lot more than what his name signifies.
Be it his tryst with a monkey in a zoo in The Intelligent Animal where he has gone with friends for a photography contest (the cover page illustration) or the Lost Fountain Pen where he manages to lose Shyam Sir’s precious Waterman pen that he had inherited (it even took me back to my school days) or The Eventful Ooty Trip where his escapade with a horse saves a boy’s life or even the comedy that unfolds in the Trouble with a Beard and The Great Fall of China, all the stories promise grins, chuckles, guffaws, and hearty laughter in varying degrees.
You feel sorry for Butter when his father is rather insensitive towards his actions and always taunts him for his slipshod ways and regale in delight when his clumsiness leads to triumphant endings.
The author, Khyrunnisa, has managed to weave characters and events that are real and relatable into stories that are more like joyrides where you keep guessing and keep reading on to know how Amar Kishen’s misfortune turns around towards the end. They remind you of school life in the 80s and you relive many of your own experiences. Her wit is evident across the stories and you can’t help but fall for the silly and naïve Butterfingers aka Amar Kishen.
Read it if you haven’t. Pick the other books in the series if you finish reading this one. I’m going to do just the same.