Anju loved walking by a sparkling stream brimming with fish in it, whilst along the banks lived many other little creatures – birds, butterflies and insects.
However, soon the stream loses its sparkle and instead is a dull grey. All the wildlife inside and outside the water is no more.
Horrified, Anju decides to do something about it and enlists the help of the villagers. Together they all decide to convince the polluters to make the necessary changes and soon, the stream is restored to its pristine condition.
All around us we see wanton destruction of our natural heritage and always want 'somebody' to do something about it. well, this story emphasizes that each and every one of us can make a difference, if only we care enough. By extending our efforts much can be achieved.
A great book for a school library to be read in class followed by a discussion on how and what the children can do to protect our surroundings from further ecological damage and also our equally endangered resources.
my view
The villagers told the owner to make the stream clean.
Review of the book
The book tells us about the sparkling water stream and how it gets polluted and dirty due to ignorance of human beings. In Anju's village there was a factory of soap and shampoo. The factory gulps clean water from the stream and emit waste water into the stream. Also villagers do cleaning of utensils, washing clothes and animals into the stream . Due to this the stream became filthy. Anju discuss this with senior villagers who in turn take up the matter with factory owner. Together these people make necessary changes in the disposal of water into the stream and the stream becomes clean once again.
This book tells us about the environmental awareness and our responsibilities.