Children love the absurd, the ludicrous, the droll. It takes very little to tickle their funny bone. Hence, they will revel in this story of Siena Baba, an artist who like most kids, sees things differently.
Like a child, he lets his imagination run riot when he paints. When he starts to paint a pig, one thing leads to another and the pig lands up getting peacock feathers and becomes - A pea-pig!
Hello pea-pig!. he says. You look beautiful. But the pig obviously is not too happy, for now burdened by his fine feathers he cannot not play in the mud. Children will immediately relate to the dilemma of the pea-pig, for at some time or the other they too have faced similar situations in life, when, their fine clothes has been a deterrent to their having a good time.
Siena Baba is on the roll. He creates one absurd animal after another. Soon, instead of a bluejay he has a blue-jion and instead of an elephant he has an ele-crab who scuttles around trumpeting. And the fun goes on.
Meticulously illustrated by master Gond artist Bhajju Shyam, the double-paged spreads in warm earth tones are a treat to behold and will appeal to both kids and adults alike.