Petu Pumpkin - Tiffin Thief
Shilpa Ranade
age group: 
7+ yrs
Number of pages: 
school problem solving greedy friends
fiction, humor
Reviewed by Stub


The book Petu Pumpkin Tiffin Thief written by Arundhati Venkatesh was a very good read.I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book.

Though I planed to finish this booking a weeks time but I ended up reading it at a stretch and completed it in about an hour.

It was quiet an irresistible experience,the main character Petu Pumpkin has been very hilarious and the author has very successfully presented Petu pumpkin's funny character and personality all through out the story, and the characters like Kiran, Jatin, Sachin, Nitin,and Sari ma'am have been knitted very well in the story resulting in a fabulous book with a very entertaining story.

Three Cheers to author Arundhati Venkatesh for this exciting book !!

I completely vouch and recommend this book - " Petu Pumpkin Tiffin Thief " to others.

- Vanalika Mishra
3 ' C ', Vidya Shilp Academy