Diya lives with her family in the Suderbans - with its mangroves, waterways and dense forests. One day, when her pet goat takes off into the dreaded woods, she encounters some of the forest's fiercest creatures, the tiger, crocodile and the king cobra. From them she learns, that this forest has existed for almost 4000 years, but now owing to wanton exploitation and destruction of this most beautiful eco-system - the mangroves, their very survival is at stake. Unless man changes his ways, there is very little hope for them.
True to her name, Diya, promises to shed light in the minds of her friends and teachers at school. A light that would hopefully ignite the hearts of many others towards conserving and protecting our forests and the wildlife within its precincts.
Strong lines and vivid colours of the illustrations are compelling and re-inforce the message.
We need many more such gems to be strewn along the way for our kids so that they read, appreciate, and ACT!
What a lovely story! What a strong message!