Folktales narrated by the elders in the family to children are passed on from generation to generation. The motive is to entertain as well as teach lessons.
In this warm and amusing story set in Kashmir, children learn about hospitality: a cornerstone of every Indian home.
One day Father brings some tender young brinjals called marzvangan. Mother decides to cook a special delicacy – marzvangan kurma.
However, two acquaintances turn up and making up a story about the marzvangan spirit having entered one of them and being desirous of eating the kurma; they polish off the entire pot leaving nothing for the family. The family, however, sees the funny side of the picture, and have a good laugh.
The illustrations give us a very good insight into the life of the Kashmiris: their dress, home and surroundings.
This book is also available in Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, Marathi, Gujarati