Little Anu has a new cousin and is very eager to meet her. But when she sees the baby, she is surprised to see how tiny and helpless she is. At first, Anu is disappointed, for she had expected the baby to be like her own little doll - someone whom she can carry around and play with. Instead, the new baby is absolutely no fun, she cannot talk or play and even more gross - she poops in her diaper!
And like most children, Anu, on seeing the little one fussed over wants to regress - sleep in her cot, wear her baby clothes and lay on her mother's lap. However, she soon realizes that being a little baby is no fun at all and finally decides that she much rather be her own age!
A great book to read to a little child, especially when a new sibling is born in the family. Most children have difficulty understanding why mother does not have as much time for them as before and so starts becoming jealous of the sibling and worse, angry with it.
Sibling rivalry is a very common phenomena amongst children.This book will help them understand and accept the change.