Illustrated by: Pooja Pottenkulam
Age group: 5+ yrs
Publisher: Young Zubaan

When conceited little Choozu Mian sets off on a journey to the King's palace, he discovers that helping each other was by far more important

Illustrated by: Venkat Raman Singh Shyam
Age group: 5+ yrs
Publisher: Pratham Books

Ambili, the little elephant overcomes her fear of the rain

Illustrated by: Joyita Banerjee
Age group: 5+ yrs
Publisher: Katha

Learn about the different kinds of clouds

Illustrated by:
Age group: 5+ yrs
Publisher: Katha

Gatila does not think that she is pretty and embarks on a futile endeavor to change her image.

Illustrated by: Zainab Tambawalla
Age group: 5+ yrs
Publisher: Pratham Books

Manu has a new raincoat and is eagerly awaiting the monsoon showers

Illustrated by: Neetu Sharma
Age group: 5+ yrs
Publisher: Scholastic

Little flamingo discovers that birds beaks are adapted to different diets.