Illustrated by: Sebin Simon
Age group: 9+ yrs
Publisher: Duckbill

A close look at the trauma a stammerer faces in school and elsewhere.

Illustrated by:
Age group: 9+ yrs
Publisher: Duckbill Books

Set in a school for children who are differently-abled, this funny, fast-paced adventure will keep you guessing till the very end..

Illustrated by:
Age group: 7+ yrs
Publisher: Duckbill

Magesh is no good with words. What will happen when he starts going to school?

Illustrated by: Vartika Sharma
Age group: 9+ yrs
Publisher: Pratham Books
Illustrated by: Priya Kuriyan
Age group: 7+ yrs
Publisher: Duckbill

Manya starts stammering when she is nervous. Will she be able to take part in her school play?

Illustrated by: Proiti Roy
Age group: 7+ yrs
Publisher: Tulika

Thambi and his guide dog have a rollicking time with his friends regardless of the fact that he is visually impaired.

Illustrated by: Proiti Roy
Age group: 7+ yrs
Publisher: Tulika
Illustrated by: Srivi
Age group: 5+ yrs
Publisher: Tulika
Illustrated by: Shilpa Ranade
Age group: 9+ yrs
Publisher: Karadi Tales

Tsering invites his friends to partake of his favourite dish, Thupka. But when the power goes can his grandmother feed them all?